Q&A with A.L. Hu of Dark Matter University
Van Alen Institute, October 20, 2021
"We're building something new, something way more inclusive and way more radical." As a Dark Matter University faculty member interested in the intersection of design and organizing, A.L. Hu is working with our Gowanus fellowship program.

Low Ego, High Impact
By Leilah Stone
Metropolis Magazine, July/August 2021
Queeries was spotlighted alongside Design As Protest, Office Hours, Dark Matter University, Blackspace Urbanist Collective, and Design Advocates.

Queeries Is Documenting the Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Architects and Designers
By Leilah Stone
Metropolis Magazine (online), June 28, 2021
The Non-Binary Architect Working to Disrupt the Status Quo in Design
By Katie Morell
Built: The Bluebeam Blog, June 11, 2021
A.L. Hu wants a more inclusive architecture industry, and they’re fearlessly working to ensure the industry changes for the better